Your Zodiac Sign Determines Your Animal.

Do you prefer to socialize with others like a sea otter or are you more solitary by nature like a snow leopard?

Green Star
Green Star

Do you find that you are extremely protective of the members of your herd, like an elephant would be

Green Star

 The animal kingdom is teeming with intriguing animals, each of which has its own set of qualities as well as its own unique characteristics.

Green Star

In the same way, the 12 signs of the zodiac each represent a unique set of characteristics associated with the individual

Green Star

We have paired each zodiac sign with an animal that shares all of the same characteristics, and each of these species is really interesting in its own right.

Green Star

.The polar bear is without a doubt the Aries representative in the animal realm.

 These free-spirited beings are very daring, passionate, and self-assured; to say nothing of their alluring appearance.

Green Star

 Polar bears, like you, Aries, are self-proclaimed explorers and travel either on land or on the sea ice. 

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Black Star
Black Star