Your Zodiac Sign Determines Your Aesthetic

Aries is no stranger to the chaotic clamor and bustle of life, which is why they strive to take direct, unambiguous paths to solve all problems.

Green Star
Green Star

Taurus loves nature and suits the cottagecore vibe. Their ruling comes during peak springtime, when flowers bloom.

Green Star

Social butterflies are Geminis. They thrive at the club, jumping between friend groups and meeting new individuals to geek out over their new favorite TV shows.

Green Star

Cancer nails the beachside granny look. Crabs soothe and defend themselves and their loved ones.

Green Star

Sun-fueled Leos are free-spirited and passionate. Since Leo likes action and drama, summercore is the best suit.

Green Star

Virgos are noted for their plant collections and muted attire. This changeable Earth sign is practical, structured, and detailed.

Most people think Libra is all about balance all the time, but this cardinal sign often lets the scales tip. Libras are known for being hard to decide on.

Green Star

Staring into your cat's eyes may seem innocent, but she won't enjoy it. "Cats hate being stared at because it shows dominance."

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Black Star
Black Star