Your Moon Sign Affects Relationships

Moon sign compatibility is important in love relationships because “the moon represents all the things that make us feel safe,

Green Star
Green Star

“As if this person can sense your mood before you even say anything or can even read your mind when you’re upset

Green Star

Simmons says “incompatible Moon signs might struggle to understand each other’s triggers, reactions, and processings

Green Star

Moon-in-Aries people are intense. Simmons says Aries Moons might be violent with their feelings. They express themselves freely.

Green Star

Montúfar says they can explode when angered. But that's simply because they need to release their anger instantly to avoid 

Green Star

Simmons believes Taurus Moon signs take time to process and regulate their emotions.

She says Taurus Moons are cautious and sweet. They need time to process their emotions before continuing the conversation. 

Green Star

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, processes and regulates emotions more mentally.

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Black Star