World's smartest dogs

Dalmatians are the only breed of dog on our list that have spots, and they have a long history of working with horses. 

Green Star
Green Star

They are also frequently connected with firefighters. 

Green Star

These brave dogs would gallop ahead of fire engines and horses, clearing a path for firefighters as they made their way to the scene of an emergency. 

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This is the reason why these dogs are used as mascots for firehouses.

Green Star

The Norwich terrier, which is known for its tenacity despite its size, was initially bred to kill rats. However, due to their high level of activity and intellect,

Green Star

 they were given more difficult responsibilities, such as coaxing foxes out of their dens during hunts. Even in modern times, Norwich terriers are happiest

 when they are given a job to accomplish, such as taking part in a flyball or earthdog tournament, which allows them to put their high levels of energy to good use

Green Star

Clumber spaniels are, at their core, hunting dogs; this is a skill that is honed by the fact that they are able to quietly seek down prey for their masters.

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Black Star
Black Star