This canine is commonly associated with the South, but it can be found pretty much everywhere in the United States
It is sometimes called the "prairie wolf," and its name literally means "prairie wolf.
The population of this species used to be significantly lower, but after wolves were nearly wiped out, an increase in the number of coyotes was seen.
. Contrary to the widespread perception, coyotes frequently move in small packs and are not necessarily solitary animals as some people may have you believe.
There is no inherent danger associated with coyotes; but, larger dogs have a much better chance of driving them away.
However, coyotes have the potential to cause hazardous confrontations with dogs in suburban areas, which are frequently harsh environments for wild animals.
Smaller breeds are more likely to be seen as potential prey, as opposed to larger breeds
Coyotes are simply behaving in accordance with their natural instincts; this does not make them "mean" or "bad."