Why your zodiac sign attracts others

Aries, symbolized by the ram, is bold. Aries' boldness is what attracts others.

Green Star
Green Star

"Self-starting, self-reliant, and seemingly fearless, Aries is willing—and geared to—make bold moves," says astrologer Kathy Biehl. You'll be entertained.

Green Star

Leos love being the life of the party. They are charismatic but conceited.

Green Star

If you are a Leo, you will probably find that people are drawn to you. This is because they love the way you make people feel good just by being near you.

Green Star

Sagittarius, the final fire sign, has a remarkable ability to see the positive side of life. They radiate optimism. People adore them due to their infectious smile.

Green Star

More often than not, our Sagittarius friends find that other signs gravitate toward them in quest of their unparalleled warmth and irresistible smile.

Air signs are excellent communicators; they have excellent social skills and are frequently the life of the party. They can, however, be fickle and appear aloof at times.

Green Star

Everyone knows at least one Taurus, and we all respect and are a little envious of how calm and easy-going they are.

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Black Star