These Cats Adore Water

Abyssinians have bodies that are designed for swimming and fur that is short enough that it will not weigh them down while they are in the water.

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This combination makes them excellent swimmers. They will drink from any container that contains water

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In the event that you forget to turn off a faucet, your Abyssinian will treat the situation as a challenge and use their paws to try to turn it off. 

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In your eyes, a dripping faucet may be nothing more than an irritation, but to them, it's a never-ending source of wonder and entertainment.

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 Since Aegean cats are native to the Greek islands that are collectively referred to as the Cyclades, it stands to reason that they are at ease near bodies of water and fishing ports.

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They make for wonderful friends for fisherman and may frequently be seen working as mousers on fishing boats

which is how they make their living.Playing in the water is much more important to American bobtail cats than actually swimming in it. 

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American bobtails are inventive and will come up with entertaining water games such as catching water droplets from the faucet, swirling water in a bowl.

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