To tell the truth, we're all quite self-centered. Humans have a natural ability to empathize with and focus on their own suffering, rather than that of others.
Minimizing how someone feels or how they should stop it might make you appear egocentric and selfish.
When anything that happens to them is the worst thing in the world and whatever happens to you is not that bad and a waste of time talking about
Most likely, you are a selfish person if you don't feel bad about how you treated other people or what you said.
People who are self-centered and selfish can't admit when they're wrong, even if everyone else agrees and you have proof.
A selfish person forgets the occasions when they were helped but vividly recalls the moments when they assisted others.
The worst thing you could do to them would be dramatic. Why can't you just forget about all the terrible things they've done to you?
If you are in a group and there is one person constantly interrupting the middle of what you or anyone else is generally saying to brag about themselves