Scorpio Weekly Forecast

This week has the potential to be extremely productive for your creative activities. 

Green Star
Green Star

Your creativity is at an all-time high, and you might think of a million incredible new ideas that could pave the way for your continued success in the future.

Green Star

But for the time being, savor this feeling of spontaneity, and let your thoughts go wherever they may. 

Green Star

This week, the focus is on your inner kid, so refrain from burdening yourself with things that aren't required.

Green Star

Additional material from Neon Moon.Today, the planet Neptune, which represents our dreams, our spirituality, and our subconscious

Green Star

begins its retrograde motion, asking us to take a moment to reflect on our own personal journeys within. 

You already possess divine qualities; therefore, you should quit searching for approval from other people. Put your faith in your gut instinct.

Green Star

Scorpio, I am pleased to present your weekly horoscope to you. On Tuesday mornings (local time), we will always provide your weekly horoscope right here on this page.

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Black Star
Black Star