Reasons Cats Make Better Pets!

Dog owners and cat owners are constantly at odds with one another over which species of domesticated animal makes for the superior companion. 

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Green Star

Some people who are passionate about animals are unable to choose between their furry children

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 and as a result, they keep both cats and dogs in their homes. 

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This essay will discuss 10 different reasons why cats are superior companions to dogs.

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Strong...Felines are aware of their own identity. Every cat I've met had a sharp and unique personality, and they don't put up with any nonsense from us humans trying to dispute their dignity. 

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My pet cat, Simon, is a bewildered and aloof creature that I am convinced is an extraterrestrial. 

seriousness, I seriously doubt that he was born on our planet. But he never changes, and it doesn't matter how many people wonder 

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 he does both of those things. The cats will train themselves to utilize the smaller box on their own. 

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