Do not be fooled by the fact that this breed of dog, which is extremely faithful and has earned the nick moniker "the silent hunter
does not bark excessively when it comes to causing a disturbance; yet, these dogs are natural guard dogs and will immediately sound the alarm if they believe it is necessary.
vThe French Bulldog is a dog that is known for being playful, bright, and friendly.
He is also highly alert and attentive to what is going on in his environment; however, the good news
Even while you and your neighbors will be alerted to the sound of a Great Dane's barking, it's important to remember that these dogs are known as "gentle giants" for a reason
There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.
These kind and noble dogs are happy to just sit quietly with their family even though they make great guard dogs and will bark to defend their territory.
In general, they want to be left alone.These placid dogs are the real sweethearts of the canine realm; they adore company
whether it be of the two-legged or four-legged variety, and as a result, they bark very infrequently.