Pugs' Special Qualities

Pugs are not working dogs, they are not good hunters, and they are not great workout companions. 

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 They are content to do nothing more than laze about the house and spend the most of their time napping. 

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In point of fact, they were first developed to serve as companions for royalty, as they are the perfect size for a lap dog.

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This well-known breed can be seen in homes of all sizes, from sprawling estates to cozy apartments, in the modern world. 

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Pugs are happy, low-maintenance dogs who can adjust to nearly any living environment. 

There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.

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Pugs can adapt to almost any living scenario. The Pug is a breed of dog that has been around for a very long time and originated in China.

They make their first appearance in records that date all the way back to 700 BC. 

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It is often held that Chinese emperors were responsible for the meticulous breeding of these small, stocky canines descended from the powerful Tibetan Mastiff. 

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