Planets in Retrograde: Meaning and Effects

Our planets orbit the sun in the same direction. They orbit the sun at different speeds and distances on somewhat different ellipses.

Green Star
Green Star

Retrograde movement is an optical illusion. Retrograde planets appear to move backwards, yet they're still moving forward.

Green Star

The planet is direct when it stops moving backwards and returns to the same orbit as the others. Planets go direct after retrogrades.

Green Star

Planets have varied energies. Your life may feel backward when a planet goes retrograde. Don't worry—your life's backward velocity is an illusion

Green Star

During a retrograde, you're likely clearing out past energy. Clearing them gives you clarity and strength.

Green Star

Mercury retrogrades three to four times a year for three weeks, thus it's the most spoken about. All planets retrograde, occasionally many at once.

Mercury rules business and communication in astrology. Information transmission energy is key.

Green Star

Mercury retrograde may hinder or kill a new project. Mercury retrograde is not a good time to start something new, but it is a good time to reevaluate 

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Black Star