Pit bulls as pets?

The evidence is presented here. Between the years between 2005 and 2017, pit bull terriers were the breed of dog responsible for around 65 percent

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 all fatal dog bites that occurred in the United States. 

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The pit bull is a direct descendant of the English bull-baiting dog, which was bred and trained to attract and bait huge

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huge game animals such as bulls and bears. 

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Pit bulls nowadays are a popular breed of dog. Later on, some of them were crossed with terriers in order to produce a breed that was better suited for activity.

There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.

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After that, these more compact and nimble pit bull terriers were used for one of two distinct goals in dog breeding.

 Some were designed specifically to compete in dog fights against other breeds, while others were developed for companionship or for working.

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therefore breeders avoided using dogs that were hostile toward their human handlers when selecting potential offspring for breeding programs.

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