Pit Bulls Are Less Dangerous

Pit bulls receive a terrible rap. Put out of your mind anything you may have been told about pit bulls being ruthless killing machines. I

Green Star
Green Star

Their history of being used in illegal dog fights has led to a negative reputation for them as being unpredictable and aggressive. 

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This reputation has followed them throughout their lives. 

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They were taught to be cruel and brutal through their training.

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Pit bull owners can speak to the fact that the dogs themselves do not deserve the negative connotations that have been attached to the breed

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rather, the negative connotations belong to the humans who have abused pit bulls. 

Amazing pit bull artwork is being created by artists, and it's helping to set the record straight. 

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These inventive designs are helping to dispel the misconceptions that have been perpetuated about pit bulls and are demonstrating to everyone 

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