Most Protective Dogs

When looking for a new pet for the family, a high level of protective instinct is frequently near the top of the list of desirable characteristics. 

Green Star
Green Star

 Even if the majority of people are aware that the possibility of an intrusion may be lowvv

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still a good idea to have an early warning system in place just in case. However, even a little amount of research will show that not all canine breeds

Green Star

The majority of dogs can be classified as watchdogs, which means that they will alert their owners to any hint of impending danger by barking

Green Star

 however guard dogs are not like other dogs. 

Green Star

 These brave puppies are always prepared to fight at a moment's notice in order to protect the people they care about. 

The majority of dogs can be classified as watchdogs, which means that they will alert their owners to any hint of impending danger by barking, however guard dogs are not like other dogs. 

Green Star

These brave puppies are always prepared to fight at a moment's notice in order to protect the people they care about. In general, the most effective guard dogs

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Black Star