Most adorable cat breeds

In the year 1961, a shepherd in Scotland discovered a cat with an uncommon characteristic; the cat's ears folded forwards when she was threatened.

Green Star
Green Star

This first-generation feline, who went by the name Susie

Green Star

considered to be the progenitor of the breed that is currently known as the Scottish Fold

Green Star

Highland Fold for the long-haired variant). Because of the way their ears are shaped, they have an intriguing and endearing air about them.

Green Star

 If you have a Scottish Fold, you already know how difficult it is to say no to one of these puppies

Green Star

We can understand why Persians are the most popular breed of pedigree cat in the United States.

The temperament of a Persian is very mellow, and their coats are gorgeous and flowing, although they do require some maintenance.

Green Star

Ussian Blues are gorgeous and sophisticated cats with a unique coloring pattern. 

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Black Star
Black Star