Misconceptions About Dogs

Dogs Are Not Able to See Colors. To begin, a human being's vision is incomparable to that of a dog's, which makes 

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It's a common misconception that dogs can only see in shades of gray, but that's not the case. Dogs Are Colorblind – Debunked

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Dogs just don't see colors as vividly as we do," explains Veterinarian Sara Ochoa, DVM, a consultan

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This is due to the fact that the canine retina possesses two of the three types of light receptors that are necessary for color vision.

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When they're not feeling well, dogs will eat grass.

There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.

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It is a known fact that some dogs may eat grass when they are feeling sick to their stomachs

 this is because some dogs are sensitive to grass, which makes them throw up, while other dogs enjoy chewing on grass for a number of various reasons. 

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 Dogs Eat Grass When They Are Sick – Debunked According to the knowledgeable staff of The Puppy Academy,

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