In 2022, nostalgia for the early years of the 2000s will still be prevalent
Change the traditional square shape of the high school favorite you had all those years ago into a more contemporary round one.
Crackle and Sparkle Are you tired of wearing a mani with a gradient, but you don't want to try any other nail art
Use a glittery nail polish such as Olive & June's Exclamation Point to bring attention to specific areas of the nail.
Manicure in the French Style Golden tips engraved with the words "beauty," "love," "no," and "yes" Genius. Pure Olive Oil
There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.
Try a muted olive for a more sophisticated take on last year's slime, which will still make you stand out in a crowd.
Mismatched Hearts Negative-space hearts look even more awesome when they are given a distinct color to represent each hand.
Do it yourself by applying a coat of polish over a heart-shaped sticker on each nail and then removing the sticker once the varnish has dried.