How to Cultivate and Take Care of Love-in-a-Mist

Nigella (Nigella damascena) is commonly referred to as "love-in-a-mist" due to the ferny, fennel-like foliage that creates a mist around the flowers. 

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Once you have witnessed N. damascena in blossom, you will always be able to identify it by its distinctive swirl of airy bracts and delicate foliage.

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The N. damascena plant has fern-like foliage, fluffy blossoms, and intriguing seed pods.

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Love-in-a-mist has cultivars that bloom in purples, pinks, and white in addition to the well-known vivid blue variety.

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These adaptable flowers can be planted in the spring or autumn. The plants reach a height of nearly two feet and flourish for several weeks beginning

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Love-in-a-mist is an excellent cottage garden plant and filler. The airy foliage is an excellent complement to plants with broader leaves.

Nigella is a short-lived plant that will likely not survive the entire growing season.

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Plant love-in-a-mist in full sun for the most blossoms; it will thrive in partial shade but produce fewer flowers.

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