How to Be Your Cat's Favorite

Cats are known for their high levels of affection. However, it isn't always clear that they care for one another.

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 Yes, it is possible for your cat to have a favorite human, as cats will sometimes create ties with one particular person that they do not form with other people.

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 If you think that your cat has a preference for certain individuals over others, you should probably find out how to move to the top of their list of people.

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Because of the way they interact with us, we can tell that cats have their favorites among us

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 Even if your cat is self-reliant most of the time, they may show favoritism toward one particular family member or friend whenever they are looking for attention.

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 This behavior is not exhibited by all cats, although it is rather frequent among people who own felines,

The experiences that a cat receives throughout the key time of socialization, which typically occurs between the ages of 2 and 7 weeks, play a considerable effect in determining the manner

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 A cat has a greater chance of developing a strong attachment with a single human if they have pleasant interactions with that person during this time.

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