How Long Do Cats Live

It's possible that the longevity of an indoor cat can go into the double digits, but the lifespan of an outdoor cat is astonishingly short

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about two to five years at the very best. Cats that spend the most of their life outside are less likely to be sedentary

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they spend a significant amount of time in the fresh air and sunshine, both of which are things that people are encouraged to do for the sake of their own health. 

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On the other hand, the vast majority of people on our planet do not need to be concerned about being hunted. 

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Even in a peaceful suburb, there are many animals and birds of prey that prey on cats, such as coyotes, foxes, dogs, raccoons, and large birds of prey like owls and eagles.

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Cats are especially vulnerable to being killed by dogs. And yes, it is true that other cats, particularly wild cats, may hunt and kill members of their own species.

There are reports floating around the internet of cats in various parts of the world who have lived into their early 30s. 

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Flossie, a cat in the United Kingdom, has been proven to be the oldest living cat as of the year 2022. 

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