As with everything else, Aries flirts directly and assertively. They'll approach an attractive person and ask them out.
If there is no chemistry, an Aries will move on swiftly.
Taurus, ruled by Venus, loves sensuality, physicality, and pleasure. Taurus flirts slowly, coyly, and physically because they love romance.
Geminis know a little bit about how to flirt. When they flirt, they use all their wit and smooth talk to get people to open up to them
The chase is the most exciting part for them, so they'll often tease people with obvious signs of flirting to keep them on their toes.
he Cancer personality likes traditional love, so when it comes to flirting, they don't go all out. They like to get to know someone first before letting their guard down
They like to get to know someone first before letting their guard downncers often want to connect on an emotional level before letting their emotions out.
For example, if a Gemini doesn't get a text back from a guy for a day or two, they might worry about the worst thing that could happen.