Extremely Rare Dogs

The Chinook is a breed of dog that is considered to be somewhat uncommon. It was developed in New Hampshire in the early 1900s 

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 the intention of serving as an all-purpose sled dog.

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There was a time when it was thought that there were just 28 of these dogs still alive.

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Additionally, the Chinook is the canine representative of the state of New Hampshire.

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Norwegian Lundehund These puppies acquired their moniker from the fact that they were raised specifically to hunt puffins. 

There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.

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In Norwegian, the word "lunde" refers to a puffin, and the word "hund" refers to a dog

This breed features a number of peculiar characteristics, such as six toes on each foot and one fewer tooth on each side of its mouth than is typical for dogs of its type

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Otterhound These huge scent hounds perform admirably both on dry land and in the water where they were originally bred

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