Explained: Cats' most annoying habits

There's still a lot we don't know about cats. Our feline companions, in contrast to dogs, who are commonly thought of as man's greatest friend

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appear to regard humans as an undesirable but unavoidable burden. 

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 We make sure their food and water bowls are always full, we clean out their cages, and we buy them trees to climb on so they can get away from us.

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In addition, in contrast to dogs, cats are born and raised as predators, and it is widely accepted

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 cats are so detrimental to the natural environment that it is advisable to keep them indoors. 

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The arrangement may occasionally lead to conflict, but despite that, we adore our kitties.

If a cat suddenly begins acting in a way that is not typical of cats, we may become concerned because this behavior is not typical of cats.

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Staring into your cat's eyes may seem innocent, but she won't enjoy it. "Cats hate being stared at because it shows dominance."

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