dog breeds that live longest

In the majority of countries and civilizations, people frequently keep dogs as companion animals. 

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Green Star

hey are our best friends because, among other things, they make us happy by keeping us company

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loving us no matter what, and protecting us from harm. But most of all, they make us happy. 

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When selecting a dog breed, it is important to consider a number of aspects, including the size of your home and city, as well as your family

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 allergies you may have, as well as your budget, and frequently even your own personal recollections of a former companion

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 if you grew up with a golden retriever, you may want the same experience for your children). 

However, a Swedish study that was published in the Journal of Scientific Reports in 2017 found that having a dog can boost our levels of pleasure and, in particular

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However, the same does not necessarily hold true when looking at it from the opposite direction.

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