The total cost of ownership during a dog's lifetime is likely to be significantly higher than you anticipate.
According to the findings of a study conducted in the United Kingdom, the expense of owning a little dog might exceed $15,000 over the course of its average
lives of about 15 years, while the cost of owning a large dog, which has an average lifespan of about 10 years, may be roughly the same.
According to more recent information from Forbes, other sources estimate that the price is far higher, coming in at a number even closer to 90,000.
Due to the specialized attention and feeding requirements that dogs have, owning a dog may be quite pricey.
The enormous schnauzer may have you counting on the cash back rewards you get from using your credit card to keep food in the cupboard for them
but these affectionate and beautiful dogs may also be expensive to own.
In extreme instances, the total cost of ownership over the course of their lifetime (which is roughly 14 years) might reach as high as $34,000.