Cats That Want All the Snuggles and Scratches

Every person who has ever had a cat is familiar with the common perception of cat behavior, which states that cats are distant, apathetic, and gloomy.

Green Star
Green Star

 It appears that not even the cutest cat breeds can convince people to change their beliefs.

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 However, according to this ranking of the friendliest cat species, those preconceived notions couldn't be further from the truth!

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Any kind of cat may make a fantastic pet. Some varieties of cats are more friendly than others

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while others are known for their intelligence or their particularly fluffy coats.  

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 The environment that you provide for your four-legged buddy is far more essential than the breed of cat that you own when 

 it comes to determining how sociable and receptive to human interaction your cat will be.

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It is possible for any cat to develop into a sociable, outgoing, and affectionate pet by engaging in the appropriate kinds of interactions and receiving positive feedback.

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Black Star