Astrology Predicts Your Relationship Future

Whether you are a believer or a skeptic of love horoscopes, considering your own sign's qualities, values

Green Star
Green Star

 personality traits as well as those of your partner (current or prospective) enhances your ability to connect

Green Star

A typical Aries is energetic, ambitious, and intelligent. Aries can be perfectionists, impatient, and intolerable of failure (their own or others').

Green Star

The element associated with Aries is fire, so they are intense, even magnetic, but also prone to overreaching, choosing spontaneity over stability.

Green Star

Even more so, if they are not entertained or satisfied, their interest and focus can rapidly wane.

Green Star

As thrill-seekers and adventure enthusiasts, Geminis possess the chemistry necessary to keep a relationship smoldering for the long haul.

A persistent Aries possesses the tenacity to pique the interest of a Gemini and nurture an expressive, meaningful connection. 

Green Star

Everyone knows at least one Taurus, and we all respect and are a little envious of how calm and easy-going they are.

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Black Star
Black Star