They're too busy to enjoy life. Astrologers claim their horoscope may explain their depression. See which zodiac signs are the most depressed.
Escaping reality makes happiness difficult. Because they're usually in their brains, Pisces may miss things and be excluded
Mediumchat astrologer and spiritual coach Tara Bennet says people enjoy their creativity.
Even if it's harmful, they can't stop this path to sadness. They're often depressed, even when they're pleased.
Capricorns are demanding of themselves and others. But success can steal delight.
Lauren DeGolia, clarity consultant and astrologer at Fresh Start Registry, tells Best Life that laser-focused resolve can be wonderful
but it can also lead to misery when nothing seems good enough.
Mercury in Cancer is like a love prayer. There's room for forgiveness, love, tenderness, and openness.