Astrologers say which sign is least popular.

"I am not one of those weak-spirited, sappier Americans who strives to win the approval of everyone in their immediate environment. 

Green Star
Green Star

whether people despise my guts; in fact, I assume the majority of them do...My affections are not dispersed

Green Star

all over Hell in a nasty attempt to pacify sulky and worthless s–ts, and they never will be.

Green Star

Old Bill was aware of the fact that it is frequently necessary to go against the grain of popular opinion in order to live a genuine life.

Green Star

 His attitude embodies the essence of Aries, the cardinal sign that represents acceleration in the zodiac. 

Green Star

 They are the first born but nobody's favorite, and they come out of the gate running with their hair on fire, their guns blazing, and no time for niceties.

Although Scorpio and Gemini are frequently mocked in internet memes and off-the-cuff conversations, neither sign is universally reviled

Green Star

It's possible that the explanation lies in astrological placements.Everyone has at least one person in their lives in whom they place the utmost trust.

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Black Star
Black Star