Advantages of Older Dog Adoption

They have a More Relaxed Attitude Puppies may be extremely adorable

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 but they also have an endless amount of unlimited energy. However, the temperament of older dogs of most breeds tends to be more laid-back and relaxed. 

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As a result of the fact that they just do not have the same amount of energy as younger dogs

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they will not be nearly as physically demanding as pups who are always moving.

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Older animals are wonderful and a calming presence."The Same Is True for Being Trained to Live in a House

There's a good reason why Golden Retrievers are such a popular breed: in general, these dogs are extraordinarily well-mannered.

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One of the most challenging aspects of having a puppy (or, for that matter, a newborn human infant) is the constant need to clean up after their accidents. 

This issue can be resolved by getting an older dog who has already been trained not to soil the house.

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There should be a sweet spot in an older dog's life when accidents are few and far between, even if it is a fact that older dogs sometimes experience trouble holding their bladders later in life. 

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