Advantages of Adopting a Senior Dog

verybody likes puppies. We have a tendency, because we love puppies so much, to forget about all of the accidents

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they have when they are learning how to potty train, the shoes and pillows they damage while they are teething,

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the seemingly unending amount of exercise and monitoring they appear to demand.

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Many people interested in becoming pet parents visit a shelter that has certain qualifications. 

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They want a clean slate, a lovable puppy that they can raise and mold into the ideal companion animal. 

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 If they walked in with an open mind, they might discover that there are some senior dogs that are already available that meet the requirements they are looking for.

Adopting any animal makes room and resources available for the rescue of another animal, but adopting an older dog has the potential to save a life that is priceless.

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These are the reasons why you should consider adopting an older animal and reaping all of the rewards that come with doing so.

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